
Publisher: Barnard Gallery
ISBN: 978-0-620-76963-1
Dimensions: 22 x 22cm
Pages: 130

Published on the occasion of the exhibition: -arium by Jaco van Schalkwyk at Barnard Gallery from 22 August through 19 September, 2017

Publisher: Barnard Gallery, Cape Town
Edition: 100 (signed and numbered)
Design: Alexandra Gaag & Alastair Whitton

Text: Prof Karen von Veh, Johan Myburg and Ashraf Jamal

Poetry: Johan Myburg, D.i Lu Gulay

Studio Photography: Ivan Muller

Installation Photography: Vanessa Cowling (-arium) and Nina Lieska (Arcadia)
Printing & Binding: Orms Print Room
Print Consultant: Zane Luther
Copyright: Jaco van Schalkwyk and Barnard Gallery
Printed and bound in South Africa